The director found a triple threat when she met William (Will) Wade. He could sing, act, and he knew the Bible. The soft-spoken actor had been professionally trained in the arts and was recently ordained as a minister at his church alongside his wife, Jasmine. Yet, there was one lingering question by the director, could this talented actor make people laugh? The answer is YES! To see a sneak peak of the actor during rehearsals, visit the Instagram page of 4daughtersminus1.

Will Wade plays the role of prophet Elijah sent to show the people residing under the rulership of King Ahab and his wife, Jezebel, that the gods they worshipped were no match for the power of the Lord.
Elijah made a mockery of the king and queen by performing miracles with fire and water which caused the people of Israel to fall on their faces to worship and recognize the true and living God on Mount Carmel.
After receiving word of these acts, the fury of Jezebel caused her to send word by way of a messenger to Elijah that she would have his life by the next day. Elijah and everyone else knew Jezebel would make good on her promise because she had slain others who opposed her god. The prophet wasted no time fleeing because he feared.
Audiences will see this relationship unfold between Elijah and Jezebel (Kristin Clarke) in the production of 4 Daughters Minus One, 2000 A.D. directed by Timberly Robinson . Will Wade will also play another role as the singer. Tickets are on sale at Eventbrite for September 16, 2023, at Wayne State University Community Arts Center Auditorium in Detroit, Michigan.
More About Will
Will Wade is from Detroit, Michigan and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Music with a focus in Vocal Performance from the University of North Alabama (UNA). His repertoire ranges from Coalhouse Walker Jr. In “Ragtime” with SummerStock at The Ritz, to portraying Dr. Martin Luther King in “The Mountain Top” with UNA, as well as performing as Alcindor/Benoit in “La Boheme” with Peach State Opera. Will believes he is blessed with the opportunity to give God the glory through his performance and hopes you enjoy! Will and his wife encourage people to reach out on the Facebook page Kings and Priests to visit or find a home at their church.
Tickets available on Eventbrite
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